Happy birthday to my big juicy Kamburger!

It’s a pleasure to spend another birthday with you, Kameroon, and not just because you’ve agreed to do all of the things I want to on your special day.
Happy birthday to my big juicy Kamburger!
It’s a pleasure to spend another birthday with you, Kameroon, and not just because you’ve agreed to do all of the things I want to on your special day.
That’s pretty much the sexiest picture ever.
Happy birthday, Kamran!
We are largely made of alien DNA. But we’re happy.
Did you just call Kamran “Kamburger” and “Kameroon” in the span of just a few sentences?? Despicable ..
I was trying to work Kamshaft and Kamrod in there, too, but knew you’d vomit on your keyboard. Although that’d give me another photo for lostandlonelyleftovers.com, which might be worth it.
So I don’t know Kamran at all, but can I just go out on a limb and say he should audition for “The Hills”? He totally has that vapid stare thing going on, like for real.
Ha! Yeah, the one thing “The Hills” needs is a 30-year-old physicist/lawyer with a monogamous relationship and a penchant for adult cartoons.
Kamrod! Nice. A Kamshaft is also a car part, by the by.
And Cameroon is a country. I’m real clever like that.
i was thinking the same thing about the nicknames you have for Special K. but what i want to know is: what does he call YOU?!?!
happy b-day, buckaroo!
Poohead, Butthole, and Fartface, mostly.
Which I’m sure you figured.
Does he really call you those things? And if so, how does it make you feel? Dan has been calling me “Pee Pants” for no apparent reason lately, and rather than getting offended, I’m sort of enjoying it.
Should I have admitted any of that?
holy fuck, katie, you look gorgeous. love the earrings, the hair, the everything.
oh, and kamrind is cute too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAMERA!
Are you for serious?! I thought I looked crazy in that picture but wanted to use it ’cause-a how cute Kam is in it. Thanks, though.
Kamran loves saying “here I am!” every time I ask him where my camera is. Aren’t you two so adorable.