Anoop Desai, Just Another No Name Loserface

Filed under music is my boyfriend

So, America kicked my future husband, Anoop off of “American Idol” last night because of this song:

It hurt me especially because on that very episode, Ryan Seacrest did an interview with Anoop’s parents, and I really felt like the three of us bonded during those two minutes. I mean, I get that Michael the oil rigger has a lot less going for him–dirty job, unattractive wife, couple of kids–than 22-year-old Anoop with his grad school and his boyish good looks, but


Pick him based on what I want.


  1. megan says:

    so, i watched part of american idol last night for the first time since probably 2003. and it made me realize two things.

    1. the reason i don’t watch it: it’s soooo annoying.
    2. the reason i should watch it: the crying when people get voted off. it was hysterical when that guy got picked over that girl in the last 2. and she cried and then he was singing “hero” and they pan to her in the background sobbing. FANTASTIC!!

    • Isn’t it amazing how the show has no shame? Like, everyone KNOWS it’s not legitimate in any way, but do they really have to do cheesy group numbers and make it clear that they’re only picking people based on looks? And yet, I keep watching.

      I also thought the sob shots were incredible. Especially since the 17-year-old who sang SO TERRIBLY was all trying to cheer her up.

  2. lemon says:

    i wanted to cry! literally!

  3. Sonya says:

    You should join the Anoop Desai fan club on Facebook, there are some really sexy pictures of him. By sexy I mean nerdy :)

  4. Tracey says:

    “American Idol” was the topic of conversation at dinner last night with Dan’s sisters Jenni and Sara and their respective husband and boyfriend, and they couldn’t stop talking about how much better “that Aboo/Apoo/Adoo guy” was than Michael. I spoke up each time his name was pronounced incorrectly (a little louder each time) with “It’s Anoop,” but no one seemed to hear me. Dan just smiled at me with a look that said, “Yeah. My family is racist.”