Monthly Archives: October 2008

I’m off to New Orleans!

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While there for the next three days in the Harrah’s Hotel and Casino, I plan to:

• not gamble

• not sightsee in any way

• not get drunk and show my boobs to anyone

• mostly lie about in my ridiculously-overpriced hotel room, devising ways to steal M&Ms from my minibar

Yaaaaay, work trips!

But it isn’t crap. It’s my life.

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In this week’s New York magazine, Mario Batali says, “When people ask, ‘How are you, man?’ I say, ‘Life is a constant source of joy, every breath a gift!’ And they say, ‘Fuck you,’ because it sounds like crap. But it isn’t crap. It’s my life.”

Samesies, Mario Batali. Samesies.