I’m leaving for a week in my home state of Ohio tomorrow night at 7:45 p.m. To give you an idea of how that might look, here’s some photographic evidence from my last weekend trip back in April:
I went dancing at Skully’s Music-Diner with some of my best old friends from back.in.the.day, including my best best friend, Tracey:
It was totally raining, but we still managed to look TOTALLY BADASS, no?:
Tracey and I attempted boob-touching photos, but people kept trying to cover the camera at the last moment to keep our sin hidden from the world. Still, we’d say we prevailed:
Then I watched my grandmother–who is like the exact opposite of me when it comes to being able to tan, right?–get married in my old hometown church:
and spent some quality time with my family, including my dad–who is a farmer and has an excuse for being creepily tan–:
and my little sister, who let me take lame engagementy photos of her and her fiancee:
Then Tracey and I went to our friend-since-we-were-born Katie’s baby shower and made a mockery of the whole thing by pretending the baby shower was actually for me:
and by possibly making out with her husband:
This time, I have more dancing, my cousin’s wedding, pin-curling my hair with my old college roommate, visiting Katie’s baby, going to as many superstores as I can with Tracey to make up for half a year of shopping in tiny bodegas, and generally thinking about how much more time I’d have to be creative if I lived in Ohio.
that was not 10 words, nor were there 80 pictures.
but what I’m really put off by is the darkness going on in the boob picture. I expected more.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY would anybody try to hide that awesomeawesome sin?!
I’d like to offer my skills as a photographer to you and Tracey. I have a studio, professional camera, backdrops, lighting, make-up artist, sound system & bottles of Patron sitting in ice (to set the mood).
Blocking the photo..WTF? I guess guys in Ohio watch too much Oprah!
Please bring some Testosterone to Ohio for those guys would ya!
heh, I just wrote a little blogaroo the other day about the buckeye state. i can’t act like i don’t love to go back and visit.
We should meet up for boozin
I’m so glad everyone in your family gets married and makes you come home for the weddings.
It makes me hope they all get divorced and re-married next year.
Your dad is effing adorable.
Joanie engaged? Katie with a baby?
What has this world come to? Are we all old enough to be making these decisions?!
Wait…we are like 27,26,25. Crap, nevermind.