So there’s this really adorable French store in the West Village called Pylones that drew my doctor boyfriend and me in with its intensely bright neon colors one Saturday night a few weeks ago while we walked around after dinner. It looks like anime exploded both all over the walls and on everything being sold, which is a pretty exciting juxtaposition to the otherwise dark Grove Street with its trendy restaurants.
While Kamran was attracted to the $45 thermoses, I really wanted the $25 hen handbag. And of course there’s the $16 magnetic bird that chirps when you touch it and then is still chirping three hours later but is so cute you don’t mind.
But the one thing we couldn’t figure out?:
What the hell is a titi spoon?!
Obviously, I’m buying this for you, Aaron.
I love how you posted this here, assuming I’d click through to the comments section. I love that you know full well I’m addicted to you. You have me wrapped around your little finger. Command me.
Keep up the Aaron promotion, by the way.
Half the time people mention me in their entries or comments, I swear it’s just to make sure I’m paying attention. But you know I’d never do that to you. Except this time. Because now you have to keep clicking through just to see if it happens again.
Obviously you’re too young & too MidWest to know about these adult natured things….
But I prefer a Titi Fork. And only special ladies get to see what I can do with my Titi CrazyStraw.
I was 19 years old before I ever used my first spork, so you’re probably right about that. I’ll ask Roxanne to tell me allllll about your CrazyStraw.
I do believe the French word for Boobies is “sein”
Oh, you were being serious. I just looked it up and learned, “Elle a décidé de ne pas nourrir son bébé au sein.” How enlightening.
Surely a mysterious admirer will see this, find my address somewhere, and send it to me, right?
I freaking love Pylones. We sell a few of their items at the C-Store, which made me want to know more about them, which made me obsess over the brand. When I was out in the NYC earlier this year, I visited their Grand Central location, and it made me so happy.
I really love useful items with ridiculous aesthetics.
How weird that I’m in Grand Central EVERY SINGLE MORNING and never knew there was a Pylones there. We could’ve met there for a slobbering-over-retail playdate.
Are there Pinkberrys in Ohio yet? They sell the same sort of what-the-hell-is-this?-oh-cool! stuff but with a Japanese vibe.
“le breast”
Wouldn’t there be a couple of silent letters, too? Like “le breastgnenon”?
Oh yeah, where IS my head? It’s more like, ‘le braixsteau’. Although the objective form is ‘le breastgnenon’. So good job there remembering your declensions.
Everything I know, I learned from Amelie.
Except the word declensions, which I learned from you, and its definition, which I learned from Wikipedia.
The two of us, we’re a pair of polyglottal geniuses.
I just google searched titi spoon and your website totally came up on the 1st page. Titi spoons are totally going to make you famous!
Little do you know that I’m already famous for Dewy, Dripping Boobies. I strangely get about ten Google hits a day from people searching that. NO CLUE WHY.
Maybe we should get one and see what it does?
I found it on their website, and look!, it’s the most boring thing ever. I mean, it’s cute and useful, but there are no nipples in sight.